Saturday, August 15, 2009

I want to download a file but my computer blocks it....please help me and teach me how to unblock it

I want to download a file from Bitlord and it seems that whever i want to download it,a 'security alert' box will just pop up and says 'Your current security settings do not allow this file to be downloaded'.....................Can anyone please help me or teach me to unblock it so that i can download my file????Please...Thanks!!!

I want to download a file but my computer blocks it....please help me and teach me how to unblock it???thanks.systemworks

Go into the control panel and select Security center then set the firewall to medium and you should be able to download the files you want

I want to download a file but my computer blocks it....please help me and teach me how to unblock it???

You need to go into control panel to security settings and slide yuor bar to a lighter setting but onece your done you probbly aut put it back where it was to keep your PC safe

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