Friday, August 21, 2009

Does anyone know whether the US Dept. of Homeland Security has spyware cookies that snoop on our PC

If it's so easy for advertisers to place their spyware on our computers, then it must be equally easy for the Feds to do it. I'm beginning to feel like Winston Smith in Orwell's "1984." Does anyone else feel the same? From tele screens to mouses, keyboards, and computer screens. Whatever happened to our Constitutional right to privacy? How do others feel about this? Any comments?

Does anyone know whether the US Dept. of Homeland Security has spyware cookies that snoop on our PC use?

Why would they?

They already tap our phones and implant microchips in our brains.

Does anyone know whether the US Dept. of Homeland Security has spyware cookies that snoop on our PC use?antivirus downloads

I don't think so, I have pretty good security. But even if they did, there is nothing of interest to them unless they are looking for people that think Bush is a moron.
I guess the question should be, are you doing something on your computer you would not want the government to see? If so is it against the law? If so, maybe you should give it up, you know go straight, start following the law.
It's been going on for years, way back in Reagan and Clinton eras and will continue on. Who cares, I have nothing to hide and if it keeps us safer as they've proven it has with captures thru this method I'm all for it. We have our privacy invaded more by each other than by the goverment.
I would assume you are always being " watched" phone, PC, work, almost everywhere has cameras.
Yes they do. I suggest you immediately shut your computer down and burn it. Even if it's not on, the NSA can monitor your activities through the connection.

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