Saturday, August 15, 2009

Help with my computer! I can't view this page.?

Everytime I try to go to this pops up:

Database Error: MySQL server has gone away

File: /home/shoyorol/public_html/forum/Sources...

Line: 272Database Error: MySQL server has gone away

File: /home/shoyorol/public_html/forum/Sources...

Line: 2042

I tried logging in at my work and it work perfectly fine but when I log on at home that message always comes up. Pls help me.

Help with my computer! I can't view this page.?triumph

In general, SQL errors are a server side issue, meaning it's the site's problem, nothing you can fix on your end.

However, I just tried it and it seems to be working just fine. Perhaps if you try again, it will work. If it doesn't, that may mean your browser stored the broken version of the webpage in its cache.

If you have the page loaded now, make sure to press cntrl+F5 to force the page to download from the site as opposed to from your cache. This will make sure you're getting the most up-to-date results.

Help with my computer! I can't view this page.?worms

It loads fine for me so go with previous answer

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