After playing around with it and checking stuff out, I Iooked in the firewall portion of the program and it shows all of the IP addresses that have attempted an unsolicited connection at one of my ports on my computer. There are quite a few. Is this normal? Or should I look into it?
I have Comcast Internet and they offer free MacAfee Security so we downloaded Q is this...?auto protect
I agree with above - MacAfee is fine for free but true intent hackers would hide anyway - repeated traffic generally is from your ISP and hidden traffic on your system (check your cookies for adware) - if traffic comes from one source check with your ISP to see if its legitate (good luck) - otherwise run sheildsup to see how covered you are -
good luck (adware - run spybot %26 adaware) p.s. = all free
I have Comcast Internet and they offer free MacAfee Security so we downloaded Q is this...?downloads
No, its not normal. Its only normal if you use P2P software or BitTorrent. If you don't then some one is trying 2 gain access through an open port. Make sure u have no open ports!!!
Personally McAfee isn't that bad for protection, it is free compared to how much it really costs (sometimes best buy does it have it also free)
Yeah its normal. I have McAfee also and my firewall shows me like 100 or more per day
Well yes it is normal. But if your PC is functioning too slow than try putting the firewall on. Btw I personally prefer Norton to MacAfee. Anyway your choice:)
From my personal experience with Comcast's broadband service I can tell you that you will be subject to hundreds of these unsuccessful attacks. In my area, we got thousands (I'm not exaggerating) of them every month. A high-speed Internet connection makes you part of a LAN and your Internet security program may be allowing all the other users on the LAN (some of whom are hackers) to see you, so they try to hack your computer. That's why your security program shows so many attempts to access your computer. So long as you are using a top-knotch security program and choosing to have maximum protection, you probably have nothing to worry about, though it is a little frightening..
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